Push Notifications in Salesforce Mobile App and Desktop

Push Notifications in Salesforce Mobile App and Desktop

Pushing Notifications is the greatest way to achieve any incompleted Tasks or Target time notifying, and SLA breaches to cases and Opportunity needs for sales account managers to followup.

Through this blog post, I am explaining a simple build with a process builder to send notifications with an object.

This feature is added by salesforce in Summar 19′ release.

Before I explain the setup and building process builder, let’s understand more about Notification types in salesforce. Push Notifications in Salesforce1 Mobile App

Salesforce Notifications keep users up to speed on important events in Salesforce and engaged with their workflow with notifications.

Notification Types

You can choose to send these types of notifications to Salesforce mobile app users.

In-app notification—Keep users aware of relevant activity while they’re using the Salesforce mobile app. The user taps to view the 20 most recent notifications received within the past 30 days.

If Salesforce Communities is enabled for your org, users see notifications from all the community members. To help users identify which community notification came from, the community name is listed after the time-stamp.

Push notification—An alert appears on the user’s mobile device when installed the Salesforce mobile app for Android or iOS. These alerts can consist of text, icons, and sounds, depending on the device type. If you enable push notifications for your org, users can choose whether to receive push notifications on their device.

Standard and Custom Notifications

You can send either standard notifications or custom notifications.

  • Standard notifications—Available for use cases predefined by Salesforce, like reminding a user of an upcoming deadline or notifying a user when someone mentions them on Chatter. You can manage the delivery channels for standard notification types in Notification Builder in Setup.
  • Custom notifications—Tailored to your own use cases. For example, you can alert an account owner if a new support case is logged while trying to close a deal or send a notification for a unique workflow built entirely with custom objects. Create and send custom notifications from Notification Builder in Setup.

How to Implement this?

1. Create Notification type in Salesforce:

1. Go to Setup → Notification Builder → Custom Notifications –New


2. Enter Name& API Name and select checkbox for Desktop and mobile and Click on Save.

When you create and use custom notifications, the title and body of the custom push notification may be saved to and processed by Google, Microsoft and/or Apple. Salesforce is not responsible for the privacy and security practices of third-party systems or applications like Google Cloud Messaging or Apple Push Notification Service.


There is some restrictions applied for the Mobile notifications. This includes (but not limited to):

  • The user must have installed the app on their phone
  • The application must have notifications turned on
  • and that the user actually looks at the app

2. Create Process Builder:

  1. Go to Setup → Process Builder → Create new.
  2. Select your object, and if this should fire only on create or create and edit
  3. Add the Criteria you want.
  4. Create New Action → select Send Custom Notification
  5. Enter the name of Action
  6. Select the Notification Recipient. It can be Owner, User, Group, Queue, totally up to you.
  7. Enter the Notification Title and Notification Body
  8. Activate the Process Builder
Process Builder for Push Notification Example in Salesforce

3. Testing the Notification:

Create or Edit the record, and makes them to meet the defined criteria.

A notification will be sent to your desktop, and if a user is on the mobile, the user can also see it on the mobile.

Push Notification in Bell Icon

For more information on Notifications ref link:

Thanks for Reading..

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