This Article explaining briefly how to measure the performance of salesforce and various reasons why salesforce performs slow.
It is a simple, online tool to measure your browser Javascript speed and your internet connection speed to Salesforce’s servers. This tool can be used by anyone, Developers, Admins, or End Users. Based on the results, you can take necessary actions yourself or with the help of IT to improve your user’s experience of Lightning.
To access this tool, simply log-on to your Salesforce org and remove everything after “[your domain name]” in the browser URL. Keep the forward-slash after “”.
Replace it with “speed test.jsp”. So your new URL would look something like this “https://[your domain name]”. Click “Enter”.
You will be redirected to the Salesforce Performance Test page. Now click “Test” Speed”.
A latency of 150ms or lower & a download speed of 3Mbps or higher is considered good and recommended. Lightning Experience performance will be smooth in these conditions.
This looks interesting, isn’t it? So go ahead and check your stats. If you don’t get the recommended scores mentioned earlier, follow the steps in the Help article listed below to mitigate the problems. It may be arising because of one of the following issues:
Assess your network latency: Ask your company’s network admin or IT professionals to assess your network latency when connecting to your Salesforce environment. They can run utilities such as “ping” or “traceroute” to gather data and then determine ways to optimize network connection speed. You can also measure download and upload speeds to your Salesforce instance here: https://[instance]
Assess browser processing capability: Measure the processing capability of browsers on client devices (laptops, desktops, workstations, or virtual desktops) using Octane: If an Octane score is less than 15,000 at minimum, Lightning Experience performance will likely be slow (20,000 at minimum if using Salesforce Console). A high-end client device typically has an Octane score greater than 32,000. The higher the Octane score, the better Lightning Experience performance will be. You can try the following steps to boost a client’s Octane score:
Thanks for reading..